Saturn's rings over Hennef

Continent or ocean

If you look towards the south after sunset and before the moon rises, you can see two special planets of our solar system side by side - Saturn on the left and bright Jupiter on the right. For our eyes only two bright points of light, but high-resolution sensors of modern digital cameras are able to discover more here. Without special astro equipment, the Saturn rings should be made visible last night - only with photographic means. The Nikon D850 with its 45 MP and the Nikkor 200 mm-500 mm in combination with a 2x Nikon converter to get a focal length of 1000mm should show whether this equipment could work - or do you need one Mirror telescopes?

Saturn with its rings is currently standing. about 8 ° to the left of the bright Jupiter and can already be seen in a southerly direction after the sunset (constellation Sagittarius). The pictures were taken with 500mm and 1000mm focal length (tele converter 2-fold). The high aperture numbers of f / 5.6 and f / 11 were the largest apertures that could be achieved with this camera / tele lens combination. The recordings were made in RAW format (Nikon-NEF), converted to DNG format and developed with Adobe Lightroom. The photos shown here are in JPEG format (50% quality).


Picture 1: Saturn with telephoto lens, focal lengths 500mm and 1000mm