Photo technique: "Long exposure"

Continent or ocean

The oldest lighthouse (13th century) from Ireland at Hook Head was the ideal motif in ideal weather conditions to use different shooting techniques with different filters (gray and infrared). The following series shows the different effects and appearances of HDR images, infrared images and long exposures. The pictures were taken with a Nikon D800 and a Nikkor 24.0-70.0 mm f / 2.8 with a focal length of 24 mm. A 720 nm filter was used as the infrared filter and the long-term exposures were realized with different neutral gray filters (Haida) up to ND1000x. The ISO value was set to 200 for all shots. The long exposures in this series with 30s, 60s, 120s and 240s were chosen quite extreme to show the resulting effects. Except for the HDR image (the Photomatix program was used here), all images were developed moderately in Lightroom. The infrared images were transformed into SW images in Adobe Photoshop before processing with Adobe Lightroom.

Picture 1: The lighthouse at Hook Head near Churchtown (1 / 1600s at f /8.0)
Picture 2: The lighthouse at Hook Head near Churchtown as HDR (5 pictures with -2 to +2 f-stops, middle: 1 / 800s at f / 8.0)
Picture 3: The lighthouse at Hook Head near Churchtown in infrared (720nm, 4.0s at f / 8.0)
Picture 4: The lighthouse at Hook Head near Churchtown in infrared (720nm, 25.0s at f / 14.0)
Picture 5: The lighthouse at Hook Head near Churchtown - long exposure (240s at f / 8.0)
Picture 6: The lighthouse at Hook Head near Churchtown - long exposure (120s at f / 8.0)
Bild 7: DThe lighthouse at Hook Head near Churchtown - long exposure (60s at f / 8.0)
Picture 8: The lighthouse at Hook Head near Churchtown - long exposure (30s at f / 8.0)